Medicinal Leech Therapy
Training Courses
(Online or Live classes)

  • The most in-depth Leech Therapy study programme in the UK
  • Professional Accredited Diploma course
  • Scientific evidence & latest methods
  • Study for personal or professional use
  • Training available FULLY ONLINE or ONLINE + LIVE practice
  • Start any month, dates are arranged individually
What is Leech Therapy?

Medicinal Leech Therapy (MLT) or Hirudotherapy is a complementary treatment during which live leeches are applied to body's problematic area in order to suck out some blood and inject medicinal bioactive components with their saliva, which are highly beneficial for human health and greatly speed up any recovery. These are but not limited to anti-coagulant, blood-thinning, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, painkilling, vaso-dilating, anti-spasmodic, blood clots dissolving, immune
system boosting and many more.
EMS trainings in our classrooms
It can be utilized as a strength training tool for healthy subjects and athletes

The Leech therapy goes back to 1,500 B.C. Sanskrit writings detailing the practice. It was in use by ancient Mesopotamians, Mayans, Aztecs and Egyptians. Hippocrates and Galen promoted leeches, and Avicenna in his world-famous book Canon of Medicine wrote instructions on how to use them. Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine appreciated the leeches. Leech therapy became particularly widespread in 17 -19th centuries. In the 1830s French imported about 40 million leeches a year, England over 6 million a year and Ireland a few millions. Hundreds of millions of leeches were used by physicians throughout Europe. Their use was so common that physicians were often called “leeches”...

Why Is It Beneficial?
  • Improved Blood Circulation & Quality - Reduced Viscosity - More Oxygen
    Leech saliva corrects coagulation process thanks to its powerful blood-thinning component Hirudin, which is 10 times stronger than heparin. The blood viscosity decreases, while increasing blood flow speed and oxygen content in the blood. Normalization of thrombocytosis leads to a decrease of complications in a variety of diseases associated with blood quality: high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, varicose veins and many others.
    **This function is vital for counteracting post-COVID consequences on our health !
  • Relieving Venous Congestion
    Leeches remove clotted (congested) blood which reduces tension and pressure on tissues. Hirudotherapy has been often used after microvascular and plastic surgeries to relieve venous congestion. Classic signs of venous outflow insufficiency include dusky bluish skin color, oedema, legs or ankles swelling, tight feeling in calves, painful legs etc.
  • Dissolving Blood Clots, Plaques and Thrombus / Blood Purification
    Enzymes such as Distabilase and Elastase in leech saliva dissolve existing blood clots - both circulating in the bloodstream and layered along the blood vessels walls. They also prevent new clots from forming by lengthening coagulation time. This however, does not affect the general mechanism of blood coagulation - if you cut finger during therapy, the blood will coagulate at the wound as usual. Therefore, a leech therapy is not only effective but a very safe method of blood purification. It is to this effect that we owe to good results when working with thrombosis and thrombophlebitis and all other diseases where the "thick blood" is the cause: high blood pressure, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, infertility and many more.
  • Detox Body Cleansing (lymphatic drainage)
    The mechanical action of leech bite allows extraction of mixture of congested blood and lymph which promotes cleansing: the body loses thick lymph and blood with toxic products and replaces it with new and pure ones.
  • Reducing Cholesterol & Strengthening Blood Vessel Walls
    The leech saliva has cholesterol-esterase and lipase activity substances that help break down fats, reduce signs of atherosclerosis, dissolve lipid compounds, cholesterol plaques and reduce levels of cholesterol. In addition, leech salivary enzymes strengthen the vascular wall, which is very important in diseases such as diabetes and varicose veins.
  • Immune System Boost
    Phagocytes are cells of the immune system that protect our body by destroying harmful foreign particles, bacteria, viruses, etc (phagocytosis). These cells are important for fighting infection. Clinical studies have shown that during the session of hirudotherapy phagocytosis increases 2-3 times.
  • Pain Killing and Anti-Inflammatory

    Kininase in leech saliva destroys kinins (the chemical “basis” of pain) hence working as a pain killer. Leeches also excellently cope with any inflammation, which is the basis of any pathological process. They do this by improving local blood circulation and oxygen supply relieving venous congestion, cleansing toxins, decreasing local swelling, boosting immune response by enhancing phagocytosis, and injecting powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial enzymes.

Our Foundation Certificate (2 days) and Professional Diploma (5 days + exam) programmes will teach you everything you need to know about medicinal leeches and the unique benefits they can deliver to you, your family and patients for years to come. The training includes professional advice, clinical knowledge, scientific discoveries and extensive practical recommendations.

Become a Certified Leech Therapist today!
What You Will Learn
  • Where to buy leeches and how to look after them at home
  • Indications and Contra-Indications for Leech therapy
  • Correct Protocols for treatment of most common diseases
  • How to minimise the side effects from the treatment
  • Combining Leech Therapy with medications and other therapies
  • Hygiene and infection control protocols
  • How to get insurance and start working
Full Course Program
Start Dates: Start any time throughout the year, the dates will be arranged on individual basis to suit students.
Day 1

(all students)
Introduction to Medicinal Leech Therapy
History from Ancient times to Modern day
Use of Leeches ini NHS, England
Brief Leech Anatomy and interesting facts
Biochemistry and benefits of leech saliva
Overall effects of Leech Therapy
Cardio-vascular issues - how MLT can help
Inflammation - how MLT can help
Indications for Leech Therapy
Contra-indications for Leech Therapy
How to look after leeches at home
Day 2

(all students)
Practical aspects of Leech Therapy treatment
Preparation of the working place for leech therapy
List of materials needed and where to buy them
Preparing the patient before the procedure
Examples of leech application and removing methods
The main points and general treatment protocols of MLT
Safety standards. Bleeding times. Body adaptation process.
How often to have treatments and how many leeches to put in one session. Safe disposal of leeches according to strict infection control protocols
Possible side effects and how to minimise them.
Allergic reactions and medication.
After procedure wound care.

Online demonstration of the Leech therapy treatment

(for Professional Diploma students only)
Advanced Treatment protocols

1) Protocols for the following conditions:
Allergy, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Anxiety
Cardiovascular disorders
Dermatological conditions
Dental Treatment
Diabetes mellitus
Endometriosis, Endometritis, Eye diseases
Fibrocystic breast disease
Gynaecological issues
Gout Prostatitis
Haemorrhoids, Headache
Hair loss
High Blood Pressure, Hernia, Heart attack
Ischemic heart disease
Migraine, Menopause
Neurological disorders
Nose bleeds
Osteochondrosis, Ovarian cysts, Overweight
Psoriasis, Prostate adenoma, Postpartum recovery, Polycystic ovaries
Skin problems, Stroke (recovery), Stress, Sore throat
Thrombosis, Thrombophlebitis, Thyroid nodules
Uterine fibroids
Varicose veins and more

2) Documents for working in the UK
Discussion on how to organise your new practice and register with professional bodies in the UK and get insurance.
Where to buy leeches - bio-farms contact details.


(for Professional Diploma students only)

Advanced Treatment protocols
Paediatrics (treating babies and children)
Case Studies
Beauty protocols
Dealing with Candida / Thrush
Many useful practical tips

Bonus Lecture 1: Herbal medicine
Bonus Lecture 2: Green cocktails
Bonus Lecture 3: Medicinal Mushrooms

*Herbal Medicine
Professional reliable Herbal Medicine protocol will be given to promote the cleansing of the lymphatic system, increase effectiveness of MLT and minimise the side effects.

* Green Cocktail
Easy recipe approved by scientists, quick to cleanse the body and gut,
helps to improve blood, build up haemoglobin levels and support immune system. Great for weight loss or for those wanting to boost energy levels.

* Medicinal Mushrooms
Lecture on Medicinal Mushrooms and their exceptional effects on immune system and anti-cancer properties. How they differ and what conditions they good for according to scientific studies. We will discuss 10 most researched medicinal mushrooms.

This is the key information I learned from the Fungotherapy course worth hundreds of pounds.


(for Professional Diploma students only)

You will particilpate in the full time MLT treatment demonstration and practice. If you watching online you will see everything as clearly as if you were in the treatment room.

Q&A - discussion of any questions you might have



The test is usually taken few weeks after the main part of the course, however the exact date may be arranged as per student convenience.

Theory - 1 hour online video discussion to see that student understands all relevant practical and safety requirements with regards to carrying out the MLT Treatment.

Practical - student to demonstrate via Zoom or live practical leech application session on himself or another person following professional and safety standards.
What Will You Get
Recognised Qualification in Medicinal Leech Therapy
Accredited by Complementary Medicine Association UK
Free Post-qualification Support Until you fully build your confidence and skills
Healthier and Happier Life thanks to Leech Therapy skills and knowledge
Saving Money Being Your Own Practitioner and New Career to boost your income!
Our Course Prices
Installment plans are available, please see options below
Foundation Certificate
(for personal /home use only)
  • This is 2 Day Foundation course intended to use Leech Therapy for Home use only. It includes:
Day 1 - Theory
Day 2 - Theory & Practice

  • Everything you need to know to practice Leech therapy safely to cover your personal needs. You will never need to pay high fees for the therapist again!
* Pay in full or in 2 installments
Buy now

Additional Clinical Practice on demand in London

  • Option to book Face-to-face leech therapy practice. You will get an opportunity to give (and receive if desired) a full Leech Therapy treatment. You are welcome to bring friends or family members so they can get a free treatment while you get chance for extra practice under supervision.
  • All materials and leeches will be provided by us.
  • Available in London area only.
Buy now
About the Course Author
Yuliya Kostenko
Course author and tutor
Yuliya is a highly qualified Leech therapist who has completed three comprehensive study programmes in Leech Therapy / Hirudotherapy with top experts in the field in Moscow, St. Petersburg and London. In 2019 she participated in the World 3rd Hirudotherapy Congress .
Yuliya is a member of British Association of Hirudotherapy and St.Petersburg Association of Hirudotherapy. At the moment she runs a successful Leech Therapy clinic in London

Photo: Yuliya during her training with professor Albert Krasheniuk, renowned scientist in the filed of Leech Therapy.
Our Students Reviews
  • Elena Riazanova
    GDPR Specialist, London
    I did not expect to learn so much interesting and useful stuff. I now feel far more confident regarding supporting my own health. The course is also very competitively priced, it will pay off in the first 2 months of using therapy at home for myself! I am really excited, studying Leech Therapy has opened a new door in the world of natural health!
  • Emrey
    Entrepreneur, London
    Thank you for a wonderful course! The information lay out was very clear and well structured. I did the programme because of my mother who has varicose veins. She tried this therapy in Turkey and it made real difference. Here in London there are not enough good practitioners so I decided to train. We just started and already after 2 sessions she felt better and was able to reduced the amount of painkillers. Thank you for creating this much needed course!
  • Alex Jameson
    Physiotherapist, Oxfordshire
    The MLT training was so much more than I expected. I greatly enjoyed the practice part and now started to like the leeches!. A special thanks to Yuliya, our tutor who was very attentive and supportive at every stage. I am now able to offer MLT treatments to my patients, among other treatments which brings more business to my clinic. I would 100% recommend this course, its very interesting and is a great investment in personal health and business.
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